Turn your business partners into satisfied collaborators by offering error-free electronic documents. With Viaduct's groundbreaking document validation service, not only you but also your senders receive precise and automatic feedback about inaccuracies in the documents.
More PEPPOL messages
The interest and demand for the PEPPOL format are increasing steadily. From primarily facilitating the handling of e-invoices in a standardized format, it now extends to broader processes, specifically price catalogs, orders, order responses, and notifications in PEPPOL format. Viaduct, as a certified access point for PEPPOL, can now assist our customers in fully utilizing this format.
We feel quite comfortable with concepts like EDI, EDIFACT, ODETTE, PEPPOL, webshop, B2B, e-invoice and eBusiness!
We are experts in electronic business communication and since the beginning of the 90's we have been working with customers like Volvo CE, Scania, Bombardier, GE Healthcare and many of their suppliers. We have a solution for you regardless of whether you are a large or small company that wants to implement EDI or another type of electronic business communication.
Read more about Viaduct
Read more about Viaduct
Communicate digitally with everyone
Although the standardization and availability of digital business communications (EDI) solutions has increased, many still consider it too expensive and cumbersome to even get started with it. This means that companies that have invested in digital business communication do not reach all their trading partners and thus do not get the maximum return on their investment. An all-too-common scenario is that one gets stuck in an administrative cycle where a lot of time still needs to be spent on different means to distribute information.
Ready for PEPPOL?
Viaduct has solutions for the public sector and the suppliers that do business with these organizations. We are a certified PEPPOL access point provider and can handle the legal requirements for e-invoices which applies from 1 April 2019.
Contact Viaduct for more information!
Contact Viaduct for more information!
Peppol - certified access point provider
Viaduct is a certified access point provider for the European concept Peppol, managed by the non-profit organization Peppol, where Viaduct is an active member.